
电工基础主页 > 电工基础


2.7.46 杆塔组立Pole and tower erection
2.7.47 杆塔组立施I机具Tool and machine for erection of pole and tower
2.7.48 高空作业High-altitude operation
High-lift operation
2.7.49 故障检测器Fault detector
2.7.50 故障距离探测器Fault locator
2.7.51 故障探测器Fault detector
2.7.52合成绝缘杆Synthetic insulating rod
2.7.53 弧垂Sag
2.7.54 换位Transposition
2.7.55 架空输电线路设计Overhead transmission line design
2.7.56 架空输电线路设计勘测Survey and exploration for overhead transmission line design
2.7.57 架空输电线路施工Overhead transmission line construction
2.7.58 架空线弛度Overhead line sag
2.7.59 架空线微风振动Aerolian vibration of overhead line
2.7.60架空线永久性伸长Permanent elongation of overhead line
2.7.61 架线施工Installation of overhead conductor and ground wire
2.7.62 架线施工机具Tool and machine for installation of overhead conductor
2.7.63 交叉跨越测量Crossover survey
2.7.64 绞车Winch
2.7.65 紧线Tension stringing
2.7.66 卷扬机Winch
2.7.67 气象资料Meteorological data
2.7.68 牵引机Puller
2.7.69 施工设计Construction design
2.7.70 输电线路测量Transmission route survey
2.7.71 输配电线路金具Power transmission line hardware
2.7.72 线路测量Transmission line survey
2.7.73 线路电气设计Electrical design of line
2.7.74 线路断面图Line sectional drawing
2.7.75 线路防护Line protection

2.7.76 线路防雷设计Line lightning-protection design
2.7.77 线路防舞动Line galloping prevention
2.7.78 线路防震(地震)Quake protection of line
2.7.79 线路检测Line detection
2.7.80 线路接地设计Line grounding design
2.7.81 线路绝缘设计Line insulation design
2.7.82 线路勘测Survey and exploration for transmission line design
2.7.83 线路路径Line route
2.7.84 线路路径选择(指架空线路)Line route selection
2.7.85 线路平面图Line planar graph
2.7.86 线路设计Line design
2.7.87 线路升压Line voltage up rating
2.7.88 线路施工Line construction
2.7.89 线路施工机具Tools and machine for overhead line construction (责任编辑:admin)
